Monday, April 17, 2017

Blog # 9 Genderlect

In this blog I am going to discuss the Genderlect theory, I agree 100% with this theory because Men and Woman interests are always different. For example, when me and my friends are around talking to each other we always argue who was the best in the group in football on our high school football team. When my sister hangout with her friends around the house they always converse about making friends with other girls via social media because they share similar make-up or clothing brand.  Also If you take ask a girl out to the movies and ask what she wants to see most likely it is going be something romantic or a romantic comedy or drama. Guys want to see your actions, horror are a inspirational film, this causes conflict of choice and interest.  Woman are also indecisive when it comes to things that they want, they do not if they like to be lemon or lime in my opinion. I remember when had this conversation with this girl I meet at my school she said she needed a job and I ask what type of job and she replied "well i don't want a hard job were I have to talk to people because I dislike people, but I do want a office type job were I can sit down all day and not sweat, but I do not people around me" In my head I was kind of confuse on what she wanted to be honest. In general I think females want easy jobs were they do not really have to do anything while males like jobs that give orders.            

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