Monday, April 17, 2017

Blog #8 Spiral of Silence Theory

In this blog entry I am going to discuss the Spiral of Silence theory, I have seen this theory at work in many accusations. I remember when one of my psychology classes had multiple guess speakers and the speakers were all transsexual and It was tension between some students who believe that being transsexual was right and ones who believe it was wrong. But majority of the class was for intersexuality being right, I was in the minority group that believe it was wrong. But what was crazy was that my friend who I knew was a minority to the issue did not say a thing she in fact she told us that she feared that she would targeted by the majority group and that they had more people to argue against us then we had. Also i have seen the Spiral of Silence theory in work when I went to school in South Dakota and me and my roommates and some other friends was having a random conversation about religion. To find out majority of the people in the room were atheist, and there only two people in the room that were Christians me and my other roommate who actually with to a christian high school and grew up in a christian household then not say one word and watch me have an religion argument about Christ with 7 other people. Two days later I ask him why he did not say anything he told me "I felt like we were out casters so I kept quite, I didn't want to be tagged as the lame christian kid in my first year in college."        

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