Monday, April 17, 2017

Blog 10 my favorite Theory Social Penetration

In this blog I am going describe why Social Penetration is my favorite theory, Social Penetration is my favorite because to be honest I use this theory everyday, for work, daily conversation, or getting to know a future significant other . I work for a celebrity and modeling management firm as a scout, every time I scout someone I ask them questions to see how serious they are about being a celebrity or having a career In the entertainment business. I ask them personal questions that manners to them like "how serious are you about changing your life", "when do you want to turn your dreams into a reality" that will help me get to know them faster with the limited of time I have talking to them. Social Penetration happens all the time in every conversation you have with someone no matter if you notice it or not. I think social penetration is a way of life and how we communicate with others everyday. 

Blog # 9 Genderlect

In this blog I am going to discuss the Genderlect theory, I agree 100% with this theory because Men and Woman interests are always different. For example, when me and my friends are around talking to each other we always argue who was the best in the group in football on our high school football team. When my sister hangout with her friends around the house they always converse about making friends with other girls via social media because they share similar make-up or clothing brand.  Also If you take ask a girl out to the movies and ask what she wants to see most likely it is going be something romantic or a romantic comedy or drama. Guys want to see your actions, horror are a inspirational film, this causes conflict of choice and interest.  Woman are also indecisive when it comes to things that they want, they do not if they like to be lemon or lime in my opinion. I remember when had this conversation with this girl I meet at my school she said she needed a job and I ask what type of job and she replied "well i don't want a hard job were I have to talk to people because I dislike people, but I do want a office type job were I can sit down all day and not sweat, but I do not people around me" In my head I was kind of confuse on what she wanted to be honest. In general I think females want easy jobs were they do not really have to do anything while males like jobs that give orders.            

Blog #8 Spiral of Silence Theory

In this blog entry I am going to discuss the Spiral of Silence theory, I have seen this theory at work in many accusations. I remember when one of my psychology classes had multiple guess speakers and the speakers were all transsexual and It was tension between some students who believe that being transsexual was right and ones who believe it was wrong. But majority of the class was for intersexuality being right, I was in the minority group that believe it was wrong. But what was crazy was that my friend who I knew was a minority to the issue did not say a thing she in fact she told us that she feared that she would targeted by the majority group and that they had more people to argue against us then we had. Also i have seen the Spiral of Silence theory in work when I went to school in South Dakota and me and my roommates and some other friends was having a random conversation about religion. To find out majority of the people in the room were atheist, and there only two people in the room that were Christians me and my other roommate who actually with to a christian high school and grew up in a christian household then not say one word and watch me have an religion argument about Christ with 7 other people. Two days later I ask him why he did not say anything he told me "I felt like we were out casters so I kept quite, I didn't want to be tagged as the lame christian kid in my first year in college."        

Monday, April 3, 2017

Blog:7 Cultivation Theory

In this blog I am going to give my opinion on the cultivation theory. I agree with this theory especially with having personal experience with this theory. My friend watched a lot of TV shows and movies on how to make money, and in the movie/Tv shows they made money on selling drugs and buying cars from auctions and selling them. After watching these shows and movies my friend started to believe he was one of those characters and started to act an behave like them. Also I seen my girlfriend who was addicted to watching crime investigation tv shows and movies start to turn all of my doings into something bad like I was hiding things from her. Most people are easily influenced by anything on the screen, starting at very young ages too. You can easily spot young children dressed up as their favorite characters from Disney and even superheroes. But not only children it also targets men and women of all ages, I've witnessed women in certain social groups based of the movie Mean Girls where they picked out their social group friends to meet requirements within the group to be just like those girls. When it all falls down TV can affect the way you live your lifestyle and play a role on how you adapt to others in your surroundings.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Blog 6: Cultural Studies

In this blog I am going to discuss my opinion on the cultural studies theory. I believe that media does play a huge role on how our society is represented, were else would media get the ideas from? society exactly. Without media there is no society to know what are society is, without society there is no media to show how today society is, they go hand and foot. Also I do believe powerful media shape culture because for instance, if an ESPN host goes on air talking about how he dislikes homosexuality and how it is wrong and an sin he will; most likely lose his job, in today society and in media, homosexuality is like a trend and is accepted as a cool thing. I also believe powerful media also forces things like homosexuality, if you watch networks like MTV, VH1 and BET there will always be an homosexual character on a show. It has gotten so bad in today society within media that even kids powerful medias such as Disney, Cartoon network and Nickelodeon have had homosexual parents on their shows. Also social media changes up the meaning of people lives, with social medias such as Instagram were people post pictures on how they are living there life. Sometimes people fake who they are just to build an image on social media to believe that they are more important then others. For instance when I see someone posts a picture on Instagram on yacht in the middle of the ocean or post picture with them driving flashy cars, I get easily influenced. We all do, everyone whats that lifestyle of freedom and doing what they want, social media helps and hinder people towards that idea to have that freedom. To sum my understanding powerful media is society and society is powerful media, media gets all its ideas from society.