Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Social Media Freenzy!

These days, appearances are everything. People are more concerned with proving to the rest of the world that they’re having the time of their lives than actually enjoying themselves.
 If a girl purchases a new dress, it’s more likely for a new Instagram  post than an actually party.
Not to mention, going out without uploading a new Snapchat story or Instagram picture is inconceivable; without evidence of your escapades, as far as the world is concerned, they didn’t happen. If you go to a party, half the people in there will likely be on their phones. If they’re not taking selfies.  Sometimes I wonder if people arrange to meet up with their friends because they miss them or because they haven’t updated their Snapchat stories in six hours and need some new material to prove to the world they’re having a good time. The fact of the matter is, brag culture has resulted in us being too busy narrating our lives online that we’re forgetting to live them. Life is now becoming  a popularity contest, and it seems that the popularity is less dependent on how many friends you have and is more a reflection of how many Twitter followers you possess. People upload Instagram pictures and then delete them the next day if they did not receive a sufficient number of “likes” because that alone is considered a reflection of how many people like them in real life. Don’t let social media fool you. There are people who have hardly any likes on their Instagram pictures, but still have lots of friends, and others with hundreds of likes despite being the loneliest people of all. So, don’t believe everything you see online because appearances are just that.

                                    Here is a good video about social media addiction take a look!:)


  1. Sometimes I wish there were places that made us check in our phones at the door, so we have to learn to be social. I completely agree with this post!

    1. I agree Shelby phones have completely control over us

  2. I agree with this post and with Shelby! My girlfriend and I sometimes leave our phones in the glovebox of my car when we go out on dates so that we can completely focus on each other without the distractions.

    1. That is the best way Ethan eliminating phones while out with your significant other more focus on each other
