Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bang! Bang!

In this blog I am going to discuss the flaws and reason why I think a gun control law would never work.  With all the crazy mass shootings that has been going on at schools, churches and etc. Gun control has been the one of the biggest discussion that is going on toady in America.

Opponents of gun control laws argue that Americans have the right to bear arms. They say that gun control laws would prevent individuals from defending themselves and their property lawfully. They also support the rights of hunters, sport shooters and recreational gunmen. One of the most common laws that these groups cite is the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This 27-word passage includes the famous phrase “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” The fundamental argument that gun control opponents make is that the right to own and use weapons is an undeniable personal freedom guaranteed by the Constitution.
Proponents of gun control believe that stronger laws can prevent the needless loss of life. Even individuals who support gun rights acknowledge that certain people should not be permitted to own guns. Current gun control laws prevent criminals, mentally ill individuals and children from owning guns. Unfortunately, there have been instances where young people and deranged gunmen have acquired weapons and used them to commit mass murders.

But in my honest opinion I think a gun control law would never work, because at the end of the day somehow something can just happen at any time.  Our Second Amendment right not only states “the right of the people to keep and bear arms,” but more importantly for this issue, “shall not be infringed. During the Revolutionary War, most of the Americans fought Britain with their own guns. The people insisted that the U.S. Constitution have a Bill of Rights to stop the government from taking their weapons. Who do you think would voluntarily give up a weapon they paid for, a weapon that may be used for protection of their family? An honest, law-abiding citizen. Unfortunately, many of these citizens will follow orders and disarm themselves, leaving them helpless against an armed criminal. If a person thinks criminals will voluntarily give up their weapons, that person is delusional. If guns were to be banned, we would see a surge in the black market for guns. If a murderer does not have a gun, but wants to kill others, he will find something to complete his task, whether it’s a pencil, a car, a knife, or whatever. We are trying to stop evil in this world that we cannot prevent.
  Here is a debate on gun control that I find very Interesting.


  1. I see where you're coming from, but I respectfully disagree. We have seen strict gun control laws put in place by other countries with only success stemming from it. Of course the recent Parisian attacks broke their streak of peace, but this was a ruthless terrorist attack. When children are dying, something must be done. But I see the merit in both of our opinions.

  2. I actually agree with you. In my eyes, even if gun control was much heavier in the U.S. people would still find ways to get and use the guns. We have to remember that people kill people with guns, the guns don't kill the people. People can make shanks out of plastic from something like a mop bucket and kill someone. Does that mean we should ban mop buckets? No. So, what's the point in regulating them to an explosive degree when those who want to utilize the weapons the wrong will find other ways to get them?
