of the most exciting holidays Halloween is around the corner and if
you have not prepared yet for the decoration I gave some ideas that I
think would help you out. Raid
your recycling bin to make these glass ghosts in four easy steps:
First, remove labels and caps from bottles
Spray-paint them white, then draw faces on with black marker. Finally,
throw in colorful straws for cute centerpieces.
Cobweb Coasters

Spooky Terrarium

After you search the
backyard for twigs, moss, and rocks, scour the house for small
Halloween-themed decorations like skulls and scary birds. Then, build
your scene on an upside-down lid of a Mason jar. When your miniature
landscape looks complete, screw the jar onto the lid and place in the
window or next to your front door in lieu of a pumpkin.
Vampire Napkin Rings

Splash white cloth napkins with red
Kool-Aid, thread a white twist tie through
a set of plastic vampire teeth, and finally secure a twist tie around
the center of your napkin.
Creepy Wall Hangings
Ghostly Lanterns

Draw spooky faces
on empty, clean gallon milk jugs, then fill with white holiday lights
to decorate your porch or walkway with a ghostly Halloween glow.
Wicked Witch Candy Dish

a pair of old heels into a bewitching candy bowl. Wrap the heels in
cheap sparkly paper, then decorate and fill with Halloween treats.
Forever Pumpkins

For cheap jack-o-lantern
decorations that will last past Halloween, cover clean, empty jars with
orange construction paper or tissue paper. Add features with black
construction paper, then pop in a tea candleâwith flames, or
battery-operatedâand watch your "pumpkin" glow.
Front Door Mummy

Make a ghoulish first impression with this five-minute Halloween door DIY from Honey and Fitz.
First, tape paper streamers to the front door, overlapping the strips
to give a wrapped look. Then, cut sheets of black and white construction
paper into circles to make eyes. Place the eyes on the top of the door
and tape to secure.
Mummy Seating Cards

Decorate inside and out for Halloween with this ingenious idea from Curly Birds.
Glue gauze, googly eyes, and cardboard to fashion small, square
mummies. Set them out as place cards for a Halloween party, drop a few
into the candy bucket for trick-or-treaters, or send to school with the
kids to give out to classmates.